Monday, August 25, 2008


Yesterday we had Ava and Brody's first birthday party. They will actually turn one tomorrow. We had so much fun and the babies really loved their cakes. What fun they had making a big mess! Now we know that a twin birthday party looks a lot like Christmas- presents everywhere and a garage full of boxes and trash! Its been a while since I've had time to post on here...things have gotten really crazy lately, so I'm going to take a minute and also post some pics from Adam's first day of pre-K. He has been such a big boy and really loves going to Hannah's school! I'm also including our slide show from the birthday party for anyone that hasn't seen it and would like to. It's long- so watch when you've got some time on your hands!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School

Today was Hannah's first day of 1st grade. She was too excited to start back to school and get to see her friends again. They have moved into the new school building and it is really amazing. Wee got up this morning and I dressed Hannah and took lots of pictures, and then Daniel took her to school. Adam spent the whole day asking how many days Hannah was going to school before he got to go. He's really ready to start Pre-K. Soccer practice starts tomorrow, so we should have lots more cute pictures to post soon. Guess we are officially back in the swing of things!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Boys and Girls

Not a whole lot going on around here this week. We've been trying to get ready for school to start back next week and at the same time enjoy our last week of staying at home. Starting Monday the up and out the door routine becomes the norm again! I wonder how the babies are going to like not being able to sleep late...I wonder how I'm even going to handle it! I think Hannah and Adam have really enjoyed their summer being able to play together all day- I know they are going to miss that. We signed Hannah up for Columbus Youth Soccer last week and found out yesterday that she is going to be on an all girls team that consists entirely of her friends from school. We were hoping that would be the case but weren't sure since we signed her up late. I think practice starts the week after next and then the games will start the second weekend in September. She is really excited about it and I know having her friends out there will help to keep her from losing interest. The babies are all over the place now- pretty much crawling or cruising everywhere they want to go. Ava has taken a step or two on a couple of different occasions, but always decides that diving toward us and making us catch her will get her where she wants to be faster! Today the two of them wandered off and when I found them I had to take this picture. Look at what each of them found out of all the toys scattered between Hannah's and Adam's rooms!